Ready-mix Concrete

Best Practices for Handling and Placing Readymix Concrete On-Site

Best Practices for Handling and Placing Readymix Concrete On-Site

Readymix concrete is a vital component in construction projects, offering consistency, quality, time savings, enhanced workability, and improved durability. It provides construction teams with reliable and high-performing concrete, allowing for efficient construction processes and ensuring the long-term success of structures. Choosing readymix concrete is an investment in the quality, efficiency, and sustainability of construction projects.

Here are some key points highlighting the importance of readymix concrete in construction:

  • Consistency and Quality: Readymix concrete is produced in a controlled environment using precise mix designs and quality ingredients. This ensures consistency in terms of strength, workability, and other properties, resulting in reliable and high-quality concrete for construction projects.

  • Time and Labor Savings: By opting for readymix concrete, construction projects can save significant time and labor compared to site-mixed concrete. The concrete arrives at the site ready for immediate use, eliminating the need for on-site batching and mixing, which can be time-consuming and require skilled labor.

  • Enhanced Workability: Readymix concrete is designed to meet specific project requirements, ensuring optimal workability for various applications. It can be tailored to suit specific construction methods, making it easier to place, compact, and finish, leading to improved productivity and overall project efficiency.

  • Improved Quality Control: The production of readymix concrete involves strict quality control measures, including regular testing and monitoring. This ensures that the concrete meets the required specifications and standards, reducing the risk of construction defects and ensuring the longevity of the structure.

  • Greater Strength and Durability: Readymix concrete is often engineered to achieve higher strength levels compared to site-mixed concrete. This is particularly important for structures that require superior load-bearing capacity and long-term durability, such as high-rise buildings, bridges, and infrastructure projects.

  • Consistent Material Supply: Using readymix concrete eliminates the need for on-site storage and management of raw materials, such as cement, aggregates, and admixtures. Construction projects can rely on a consistent supply of high-quality concrete from reliable suppliers, reducing the risk of material shortages and ensuring a smooth construction process.

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Although readymix concrete may have a higher initial cost compared to site-mixed concrete, it offers long-term cost benefits. The reduced labor requirements, increased efficiency, and enhanced quality control contribute to overall cost savings throughout the construction project’s lifecycle.

  • Environmental Considerations: Readymix concrete production can incorporate sustainable practices, such as using recycled aggregates and supplementary cementitious materials. This reduces the environmental impact of construction projects and aligns with sustainable building practices.

When it comes to handling and placing readymix concrete, following best practices is crucial to ensure optimal results and minimise potential issues.

Here are some key best practices to consider when handling and placing readymix concrete:

  1. Proper Planning and Coordination: Adequate planning is essential to determine the correct concrete mix design, quantity required, and the logistics of delivery and placement. Effective coordination between the construction team, concrete supplier, and any pumping or placing equipment is vital to ensure a seamless process.

  2. Adequate Site Preparation: Before the arrival of the readymix concrete, it is essential to prepare the site properly. This includes ensuring a stable and level surface, removing any debris or obstacles, and providing adequate access for concrete delivery trucks and equipment.

  3. Timely Delivery and Placement: Readymix concrete has a limited working time, known as the “initial setting time.” It is crucial to coordinate the delivery and placement to ensure the concrete is poured and finished within this timeframe. Prompt communication with the concrete supplier and efficient scheduling will help prevent delays and potential issues.

  4. Proper Equipment and Tools: The use of appropriate equipment and tools is essential for handling and placing readymix concrete. This includes ensuring the availability and proper functioning of concrete pumps, mixers, vibrators, and finishing tools. Well-maintained equipment promotes efficient concrete placement and helps achieve the desired finish.

  5. Consistent Mixing and Sampling: During the placement process, it is important to ensure a consistent mix of the readymix concrete. Regular sampling and testing can help monitor the concrete’s properties and make necessary adjustments if needed. This ensures the concrete meets the specified requirements and maintains its desired strength and durability.

  6. Adequate Workforce and Training: Having a skilled and knowledgeable workforce is critical for the proper handling and placement of readymix concrete. Training employees on proper concrete handling techniques, safety protocols, and the use of equipment will enhance the efficiency and quality of the work.

  7. Proper Concrete Placement Techniques: Following proper concrete placement techniques, such as using the right pouring and compaction methods, will help achieve uniformity and minimize the risk of segregation or air pockets. It is important to avoid overworking or overmixing the concrete, as it can affect its strength and integrity.

  8. Curing and Protection: Once the readymix concrete is placed, proper curing and protection are essential to ensure its strength development and durability. This involves applying appropriate curing methods, such as covering the concrete with curing blankets or using curing compounds, and protecting it from excessive heat, cold, or moisture during the curing period.

By adhering to these best practices for handling and placing readymix concrete, construction teams can ensure the successful execution of their projects. Following these guidelines promotes efficiency, enhances the quality of the concrete, and contributes to the long-term performance and durability of the structures being built.


Get in-touch with Scribante Concrete to secure your readymix concrete for your next project. Follow Scribante Concrete’s LinkedIn to stay up-to-date on all things regarding concrete. 

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